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  • 成員介紹 | Shinehouse 曉劇場

    Home About Wan Program Visit Venue Our Team History International Development Team Members 成員介紹 鍾伯淵 曉劇場 暨 萬座曉劇 場藝術總監 艋舺國際舞蹈節策展人 李孟融 萬座曉劇場營運總監 葉育伶 曉劇場行政總監 張欣怡 國際事務顧問 林佑靜 陳家誼 鄭詠元 吳亦展 陳筱婷 More About Us Shinehouse Theatre Want To Dance Festival The Shinehouse Theatre Arts Village Wan Theatre

  • Team Members 主要成員 | Shinehouse 曉劇場

    Team Members 成員介紹 鍾伯淵 曉劇場 暨 萬座曉劇 場藝術總監 艋舺國際舞蹈節策展人 李孟融 萬座曉劇場營運總監 葉育伶 曉劇場行政總監 張欣怡 國際事務顧問 林佑靜 陳家誼 鄭詠元 吳亦展 陳筱婷

  • 萬座曉劇場 | Shinehouse 曉劇場

    Home About Wan Program Visit Venue Our Team History International Development 【毛皮瑪利】 曉劇場 「歷史都是騙人的,過去都是假的,只有明天會出現的鬼魂才是真實的!」 男扮女裝的瑪利依循自己的喜好與規則養育仇人之子,美少年欣也作為對戲的人,配合瑪利的教養,是屈從還是為贏得「母親」 的喜愛與歡心。 耽美頹敗的華麗意象裡, 穿著毛皮的瑪利一次又一次以自身叩問,這個世界的絕對標準究竟為何? 查看更多 【手舞觸動2- You Will Never Dance Alone】 森林樂聾人舞蹈團 起初,跳舞對Jason來說似乎是一個遙不可及的夢想。在人生路上,Jason不時要面對許多不同的挑戰及挫折,自我懷疑與否定不斷在內心蔓延,但憑着對舞蹈的熱情,身邊人的支持,他鼓起勇氣繼續前進,找到重新出發的力量。跳舞能讓他表達自己的快樂,更能讓他挑戰社會帶來的種種限制。聾人的身份變成了一種力量,給予他一種獨特的視角,豐富了他的舞蹈。希望能夠透過對舞蹈的熱愛,自身對夢想的堅持,生命影響生命,激勵其他聾人及不同能力人士,相信自己的能力,並通過藝術尋找真實的自我。 查看更多 【 行還行-路在我心中蔓延 】 梵體劇場 身體是人類探尋真理的神殿。 日本小說家村上春樹在《1Q84》裡藉由青豆表示:「肉體才是人類的神殿,這裡無論祀奉什麼,都應該盡量保持強韌、保持美麗清潔。」 從過去到現在,無論在朝聖路途、日常生活中,或是在人生的抽象道路上,我們都仰賴著雙腿擺動、腳板觸及地面的那一刻,去探索生命、實踐生命與思想,並與自我及時代展開對話。在這當中,我們所踏出的每一步都代表著我們自已,你是否曾想過:自己的腳步是什麼樣子,什麼樣的腳步是這個時代的腳步? 查看更多 More Program More About Us Shinehouse Theatre Want To Dance Festival The Shinehouse Theatre Arts Village Wan Theatre

  • 鍾伯淵 | Shinehouse 曉劇場

    Team Members 成員介紹 Artist Director 曉劇場暨萬座曉劇場藝術總監 艋舺國際舞蹈節策展人。 Back 鍾伯淵 CHUNG, Po-Yuan 曉劇場暨萬座曉劇場藝術總監及艋舺國際舞蹈節策展人。 擅從劇場詮釋文學之美,亦紀錄城市改變發表系列作品,並出版《穢土天堂》、《地下女子》等劇本集。具備豐富編導演經驗,亦曾參與廣告、電視和電影的演出。曾受邀至泰國曼谷劇場藝術節、上海國際當代戲劇季、臺北藝術節、東京藝術節、台南藝術節、桃園鐵玫瑰藝術節等。《魚》、《潮來之音》分別獲選為2019年及2022年愛丁堡藝穗節台灣季演出作品。2020年執行策劃並擔任鈕扣計畫10週年製作人、舞躍大地舞蹈創作比賽計畫主持人。 Chung Po-Yuan graduate d from the Department of Drama of National Taipei University of the Arts, majoring in directing. He established Shinehouse Theatre in 2006. His works focus on human nature and contemporary social issues, accumulating a repertoire of more than 30 productions to date and has published script collections of "Armageddon" and "Underground Women." He has been invited to Thailand Bangkok Theater Festival, Shanghai International Contemporary Theater Festival, Taipei Art Festival, Tokyo Art Festival. At the same time planning and producing the 10th anniversary of the 2020 New Choreographer project (Meimage Dance), and the principal of 2020 Taiwan Creative Dance Competition. He is currently the curator of Want to Dance Festival, and the director of Wan Theater.

  • 節目 | Shinehouse 曉劇場

    Home About Wan Program Visit Venue Our Team History International Development 2025/1/18-19 2025/3/21-30 森林樂聾人舞蹈團 《手舞觸動2- You Will Never Dance Alone》 JAN 18-19 曉劇場 《毛皮瑪利》 MAR 21-23 28-30 推薦節目 2025 森林樂聾人舞蹈團 《手舞觸動2- You Will Never Dance Alone》 1/18-19 曉劇場 《毛皮瑪利》 3/21-23 3/28-30 2024 梵體劇場 《行還行-路在我心中蔓延 》 12/27-29 SHOW GEKI 《男八:廿周年紀念 公演》 11/15-17 大可創藝 《聚.众》 9/7-8 《絕不付帳》 5/31-6/2 艸雨田舞蹈劇場 《 遺屋》 12/21-22 第四人稱表演域 《暗島àm-tó 》 11/1-3 嚴婕瑄 《萬華女流》 9/1-6 曉劇場 《家庭場景》 3/22-24 曉劇場《潮來之音》 11/29-30 12/1 索拉舞蹈空間2024 跨域創作 《Pure Meat》 10/19-20 灰非白銀髮劇團 《灰非白》 8/30-31 曉劇場 《第一夜》 3/8-10 3/15-17 AGAXART 《北齋漫畫舞踏: So Zo Ro》 11/22-24 新生一號劇團 《不可能在一個晚上演 完莎士比亞全集吧?》 10/11-13 晚熟 《無關的人》 6/20-22 2023 林韋明|無重空中藝術《SECOND SKIN》 9/1-2 葉喚軍個人製作 《MANIAC》 8/27-29 《ECHO location》 8/25-26 《陳家聲十年紀念講唱會》 8/24 《萬物長生》 11/3-4 《心垣》 10/20-21 《下一場黎明》 10/5-8 《夢靜止了。》 9/2-3 2022 國立臺灣師範大學表演藝術 112級 X 表演藝術研究所 史宥玲聯合畢業製作 12/02-04 果陀劇場 活化歷史生命劇場作品 11/19-20 曉劇場2022年度製作 10/21-23 饕餮劇集 10/07-09 創造焦點 2022女子馬戲平台 09/17-18 雅緻藝術舞蹈團 09/01、09/03 擊盒工作室 08/28 黃騰生 10/07-09 曉劇場 愛丁堡限定版 07/15-17 人尹合作社 青年創作計畫 07/01-03 -萬座曉劇場開幕系列- 曉劇場 宮部美幸三島屋奇異百物語語系列 06/10-12 -萬座曉劇場開幕系列- 曉劇場 05/27-29 -萬座曉劇場場地支持計畫- A劇團 05/13-15 -萬座曉劇場場地支持計畫- 隔離島劇團 05/06-08 More About Us 曉劇場 Shinehouse Theatre 萬座曉劇場 Wan The atre 曉劇場藝術進駐計劃 Shinehouse Artist-In-Residence Program 艋舺國際舞蹈節 Want To Dance Festival

  • 張婉庭 | Shinehouse 曉劇場

    Team Members 成員介紹 CHANG, Wan-Ting As a member of Shinehouse Theatre in 2022, Chang is currently an undergraduate student in Tamkang University, majoring in Spanish. She has performed in the opening performance of Wan Theatre, as well as the workshop performance in Emiko Agatsuma’s “Tsukumo-Gami”. She was also the sound execution for “Electronic City”and“In Between.”and perform in Edinburgh Festival Fringe’s Taiwan Season: “The Whisper of the Waves”(2022) . She is actively engaging movies, televisions and theatres, constructing the flow of life through ordinary steps. Back List Title 1 / Item Title Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text. 2 / Item Title Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text. 3 / Item Title Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text.

  • Ian Gualdani | Shinehouse Artsvillage 曉劇場藝術村

    計畫理念 在當代舞蹈排演的世界裡,到底什麼樣子?透過定時開放預約參觀駐地排演的模式,讓大眾有機會,走進舞蹈創作、表演專業的日常工作行程向藝術家提問,而或在特定的工作坊體驗活動,隨藝術家進入充滿 想像力的肢體開發的世界。 Back Latest latest news Artists About Us 吳建緯 畢業於國立臺北藝術大學舞蹈研究所,師承舞蹈家羅曼菲教授、張曉雄教授以及吳素君教授。曾任法國卡菲舞團專職舞者與台北越界舞團專職舞者。2013年創建野草舞蹈聚落並擔任藝術總監,專注表演與創作、劇場以及攝影,創團首作《兩個身體》以及第二部全新創作《我們選擇的告別》皆獲得台新藝術獎提名。2008年《極光》榮獲澳大利亞編舞大賽評審團榮譽獎。2014年《發展與重組》榮獲舞躍大地舞蹈創作比賽年度大獎。2015年擔任張作驥金馬獎獲獎作品《醉‧生夢死》動作指導。2017 年榮獲勞力士基金會師從大師計畫(Rolex Mentir and Protege) 提名,進入全球準決選前五名。2019 年榮獲ACC亞洲文化協會紐約獎助計畫,以及羅曼菲舞蹈獎助金。 More About Us Shinehouse Theatre Want To Dance Festival The Shinehouse Theatre Arts Village Contact Us Address: No. 132-9, Dali Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City 10801 Tel: +886-2-2308-3398 E-mail:

  • Miss White 白・素・貞|Shinehouse 曉劇場

    2014|The Courtyard Theatre Sympathetic plan -- white, plain, virgin Miss White In the traditional Chinese folk tale "The Legend of the White Snake", Bai Suzhen is a powerful snake demon, but she falls in love with the human man Xu Xuan. She transformed into a human figure and married Xu Xuan to manage the family business for him, and gave birth to a child for him. But when Xu Xuan found out the true identity of the snake demon, he betrayed his wife, scolded her loudly as a monster, and colluded with the mage to come to exorcise the white snake and suppress the white snake under the tower; Bai Suzhen silently endured and waited until she experienced After four betrayals, I realized that I had already lost myself in love. "White. white. Zhen" looks for the similarities and differences between Eastern and Western views on women from a love story, and rediscovers a woman's personal value in marriage, love and family. In the existing performance space, the audience can walk and watch the play and experience a different experience of watching the play. Chinese folk legend shares a similar idea of "Yokai" in Japanese legend, where these creatures are spirits transformed from animals or plants, usually primitive, ugly and weird. In one of the most known Chinese folk legend, "Legend of the White Snake" , Miss White is a Yokai transformed from a snake, but fall in love with a human Xu Xian. She turns into human form to marry him, and gives birth to his child. Xu Xian, however, after realizing her true identity, betrays her . In addition, he colludes a monk, who eventually sealed Miss White under a Pagoda. During the process, Miss White endures and waits. Not until four betrays when she finally realizes that she has lost herself in love. Li Chengye Commentator One after another, audience members wearing bras followed the actors to the performance space on the fourth floor. In a scene full of bras, Bai Suzhen was in pain all her life, and through the years and the red bits of sanitary napkins, she told the audience the helplessness and pain of the female part. Yang Meiying Commentator It is full of sensuality and desire (sexual desire/life desire), which are related and different. Formally, the space of the entire building is fully utilized, and the consciousness of lust and desire is flowed through different creative strategies.

  • 之間 | Shinehouse 曉劇場

    Home About Wan Program Visit Venue Our Team History International Development 《習慣樂戒所》 國立臺灣師範大學 表演藝術112級 X 表演藝術研究所 史宥玲聯合畢業製作 2022.12.02 - 2022.12.04 這是一間能幫助人們戒掉習慣的勒戒所, 不論是好的壞的各種習慣, 都能在這裡輕鬆、快樂、無負擔的被改變。 2020年受邀韓國東亞劇場藝術節 2021年受邀首爾國際環境藝術節 舞踏我劇場/AGAXART 我妻惠美子 參演 潮來巫女召喚亡者,藉她之口囁嚅亡者之音, 相互詛咒彼此早死的伴侶、和盆栽為友的男人...。 潮湧來去,漂浮的他們極力為自己生命定錨,在極樂和地獄間徘徊 2018年伯淵導演藉國藝會「海外藝遊計畫」前往日本三大靈場之一的恐山,那裡仿若北投地熱谷的火山地形、堆疊一座座石頭塔祭弔亡魂,不停轉動的風車隨風旋去念想;日本八戶市當地的潮來巫女(Itako),必由眼盲的女子擔任,她以口傳遞著生死兩界的訊息,與台灣的觀落陰相似,令猝不及防地生命消逝時,生者得以傳遞思念。 潮來之音是海潮陣陣逼近的聲響,是徘徊在生死間的低聲喃喃,也是滌淨的潮垢離。 演出時間 07.15(五)19:30 07.16(六)14:30、19:30 07.17(日)14:30 導演/劇本創作:鍾伯淵 肢體設計暨演出者:我妻惠美子(Emiko Agatsuma) 演出者:曾珮、廖治強、鄭詠元、陳家誼、李廷羿、謝承瑜 製作人:葉育伶︱技術總監/舞台設計暨執行:李孟融︱音樂設計:陳明儀︱服裝設計:李逸塵︱燈光設計暨執行:柯雅云︱音樂音效執行:張婉庭︱執行製作/字幕執行:李雅涵 更多資訊→ More About Us Shinehouse Theatre Want To Dance Festival The Shinehouse Theatre Arts Village Wan Theatre

  • Artist-In-Residence Program 糖廍曉劇場藝術村|Shinehouse 曉劇場

    ★ Call for papers ★ Application Form "Alienation" " Alienation ", this issue extends the vocabulary of people's geographical, viral, cultural, and even psychological "distance" after the outbreak of the new coronavirus (COVID-19). This call for entrants will focus on the current issue of "Alienation" as the main creative axis, and the Tangshuxiao Theater Art Village will provide a professional space, allowing creators to practice the possibility of creative development and follow-up exchanges. The Tangxiaoxiao Theater Art Village has been promoting local arts and culture of Taipei Mengka for a long time, continuously developing local resources and space, and actively promoting international connections and local exchanges. In order to support the development of artists' resident creations, the "Tangxiaxiao Theater Art Residency Project" is planned this year, providing rehearsal space and accommodation space for resident artists at home and abroad as a creative base, and assisting artists to invest in local research, creation and cultural exchanges, and support The development of performing arts creation. Eligibility Creators of performing arts at home and abroad over the age of 20. More than three years of related creative experience in art and literature. Settlement time 2021.07.01 (Thursday) - 2021.12.31 (Friday) Stationed for a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 90 days provide equipment Free studio and residential living space. Art exchange space and opportunities. Accident insurance for entering. Subsidy for creative material costs during the period of residency in the village, up to NT$15,000 per month. Tangxiaxiao Theater Art Village will provide venue, publicity, technology and other related assistance according to the needs of the resident artists. Deadline 2021.04.22 (Thursday) - 2021.05.31 (Monday) Result announcement Mid 2021.06 The actual announcement is based on the contact time of the organizer ★ Application Guidelines ★ Application Form Alienation Alienation : since the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19), our distance has been increased geographically, physically, culturally, and even psychologically. With the concept of "alienation" as the main core of creation, the Shinehouse Theatre Art Village wishes to provide a professional space, providing artists the opportunity to exchange ideas and cultivate creativity. The Shinehouse Theatre Art Village has long promoted the local arts and culture in Monga, Taipei. We have continuously developed local resources and space as well as actively promoted international connections and local exchanges. This year, we have planned “Artist-In-Residence Program” ” to provide a professional and residential space for domestic and international artists. At the same time, the Shinehouse Theatre Art Village will help the artists focus on local research, creation, and cultural exchanges in order to foster the development of the performing arts. Eligibility for Application The applicants must be performing artists in Taiwan or abroad who are at least 20 years old. The applicants must have more than 3 years of artistic or related cultural experience. Residency Period The residency period begins from July 1 to December 31, 2021. The artist shall stay for at least 30 days and at most 90 days. Facilities Provided Studio and accommodation. Art exchange space and opportunities. Accident insurance during the residency period. Subsidy for Artwork materials during the residency period (up to NT$15,000 per month). The Organizer will provide venues, publicity, technical support and other related assistance according to the needs of the artist. Application Period From April 22, 2021, Taiwan time (GMT+8) until May 31, 2021, Taiwan time (GMT+8). Selection Result Middle of June, 2021 (to be decided by the Organizer)

  • World Tour巡演資訊 | Shinehouse 曉劇場

    2024 3/8-17 《第一夜》 The First Night 臺灣,臺北 Taiwan,Taipei 萬座曉劇場 Wan Theatre 3/22-24 《家庭場景》A Piece of Home 臺灣,臺北 Taiwan,Taipei 萬座曉劇場 Wan Theatre 5/29-6/1 《潮來之音》The Whisper of the Waves 捷克,布拉格 Czech Republic, Praha 6/6 《潮來之音》 The Whisper of the Waves 波蘭 Poland 7/3-21 羅丹計畫——馬克白夫人 The Rodin Project — Lady Macbeth 法國,台灣外亞維儂藝術節 France,Festival Off Avignon 8/9-21 《潮來之音》 The Whisper of the Waves 日本,東京 Japan,Tokyo 10/13-15 黃春明文學作品改編之共融劇場系列《魚・貓》 Fish・ Cat 台灣,高雄 Taiwan,Kaohsiung 11/22-24 宮部美幸怪談系列《附身》Possessed 臺灣,臺北 Taiwan,Taipei 萬座曉劇場 Wan Theatre

  • 黃至嘉 | Shinehouse Artsvillage 曉劇場藝術村

    黃至嘉 2013-2015 University of the Arts London - Central Saint Martins, MFA - Performance Design and Implementation _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ (Master of Arts- Performance design and practice) 2012-2013 National Taipei University of the Arts Dance Institute Performance Creation Group - majoring in Dance Performance (傄) 2005-2010 Department of Drama, National Taipei University of the Arts ─ majoring in directing Education experience 2021 Xiao Theater Mengjia International Dance Festival "Leap" Leap - Staged Presentation of Dance Video Short Film "No Name" - Creation/Performance 2020 Xu Fangyi Biographical Film "My Heart and My Way" - Dancer 2018 Taipei Art Village, Resident Danish Artists Simone Wierød & Tim Panduro - Experimental Dance Video Installation and Live Performance "Interweaving" - Dancers 2017 Rhapsody Theater "After Dark" - Co-creation (Script Collaboration / Action Director / Actor) 2015 Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London - Graduation Performance - "Karma-1 Industry" - Choreography / Dancer / Lighting / Projection / Sound Design Program content "No Name" (hereinafter referred to as this project), based on the historical and cultural background of the entire Huajiang house, penetrates into its architectural space, re-understands and discovers with "body" and "lens", and creates a new space for this space. story. Different from using new technologies to reconstruct and beautify the appearance of the old Taipei community, this work focuses more on presenting the real appearance of the entire Huajiang residence in the current social environment after about half a century of generational change and demographic transformation. Whether it is a building space that has undergone multiple renovations and repairs with changing residential needs, or the different age and cultural background structures of the resident population, they will all be brought together to develop "performing bodies" and "creating characters". The unique angle is used in the image to present its original, real, and generally difficult to find beauty. "Anonymous" originated from the live performance work "The Passing" in 2020. In response to the changes in the social environment in the past two years, the live performance has faced relatively more restrictions, and turned to "video short film" as the starting point of the creative form. It is expected to complete a video clip of about 20-25 minutes first, and then rethink and experiment with different presentation forms along with the creative development process. Back Latest latest news Artists About Us More About Us Shinehouse Theatre Want To Dance Festival The Shinehouse Theatre Arts Village Contact Us Address: No. 132-9, Dali Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City 10801 Tel: +886-2-2308-3398 E-mail:

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