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- 我妻惠美子 | Shinehouse 曉劇場
Latest latest news Artists About Us experience She attends Waseda University. After graduating from university in 1999, she joined Japan's largest dance group: Big Camel Ship. She participated in all the productions of the Intermediate Dance Company from 1999 to 2019, all directed by the team's artistic director, Mo Chier. She released her work "Niku-no-uta" in 2014 and was invited to perform in Paris, France the following year. In addition, she was awarded the Best Young Artist of the Japan Dance Critics Association. She has held workshops at Waseda University, Taipei University of the Arts, Tainan University of the Arts and other schools, and has also provided professional courses for performers in Taiwan and Japan. In 2020, he was selected as the artist-in-residence of the Taipei International Art Village. The work "Temple of the Future" created during the period was invited to participate in the production of the American Art Festival: Battery Dance Festival in the same year. At the same time, she is also the choreographer and performer of Xiao Theater's annual production: "The Voice of the Tide". Back my wife Emiko My wife Emiko is a dance dancer, choreographer and artistic director. She is also the Artistic Director of Agaxart, performing dancers and artists in Japan. Based on her personal buta aesthetics, she began to produce original buta works. She has international recognition. More About Us Shinehouse Theatre Want To Dance Festival The Shinehouse Theatre Arts Village Contact Us Address: No. 132-9, Dali Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City 10801 Tel: +886-2-2308-3398 E-mail: shinehousetheatre02@gmail.com
- 藝術村 | Shinehouse 曉劇場
Latest latest news Artists About Us Xiao Theater Art Village 藝術進駐計劃 曉劇場藝術進駐計劃於 2020 年正式啟動,透過提供 住 宿以及創作空間吸引國內外不同領域的藝術工作者 進駐。 並在進駐期間安排藝術家與在地居民及其他藝文工作者 接 觸的機會,透過交流機會讓藝術家有機會接觸更多元 的觀 點 及 視角。 關於曉劇場藝術進駐計劃 曉劇場藝術進駐計劃是臺灣少數以表演藝術團體為經營核心的藝術進駐,團隊邀請國內外不同領域的藝術家進駐市定古蹟萬座曉劇場(前身為台糖倉庫)。 在富有歷史記憶的建築之中,創造出讓藝術家、環境以及民眾可以對話以及互動的場域。 曉劇場藝術進駐計劃介紹 曉劇場長期蹲點萬華進行創作,透過深度的田野調查飽滿作品的內在能量。自 2019 年舉辦艋舺國際舞蹈節,吸引數十位創作者將各自獨特的舞蹈作品在萬華地區各地展演,為在地帶來豐沛的藝文量能。 團隊希冀透過成立藝術村提供更開放及自由的空間,讓藝術家能與居民進行更多元的對話,創造出無限可能。 More About Us Shinehouse Theatre Want To Dance Festival The Shinehouse Theatre Arts Village Contact Us Address: No. 132-9, Dali Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City 10801 Tel: +886-2-2308-3398 E-mail: shinehousetheatre02@gmail.com
- 大事紀 | Shinehouse 曉劇場
About Wan International Development Home Program Visit Venue Our Team History 萬座曉劇場大事紀 曉劇場成立於2006年,現駐地萬華糖廍文化園區營運「萬座曉劇場」。創作涵括如《燕子》、《她獲得約翰的吻並成為胡立德的女人——一個妓女的房間》、《穢土天堂三部曲》、《焦土》等「社會議題」面向作品:改編張曼娟、黃春明、三島由紀夫、宮部美幸等文學大家的文學改編系列;及《夏日微涼夜話》鬼故事系列作品。同時以萬華在地為基地,開設社區戲劇班並發表《水獺計畫》系列作品,並和南海發展中心以共融劇場為目標進行身心障礙者戲劇課程。曾參與上海國際當代戲劇節、曼谷國際劇場藝術節、日本東京藝術節、臺北藝術節、亞洲表演藝術節、東京藝術節、韓國東亞人民劇場藝術節與愛丁堡藝穗節演出 2006 8/20鍾伯淵、李孟融與曾珮等人發起成立曉劇場,並於9/5完成立案登記。 曉劇場團員共同承租位於文林北路一處三層公寓,將二樓公共空間做為排練場,成為第曉劇場第一個固定排練空間。 2007 2008 以「50元也可以看好戲」的概念,推出曉戲節系列節目 2009 搬至萬華和平西路三段,打造第二個地下室的公寓劇場 2010 上海下河迷倉演出《十歲》 北京、上海、香港、澳門四城五地巡演 2011 2012 曼谷國際劇場藝術節《十歲》 2013 搬至萬華華江整宅, 打造第三、四個老公寓裡的排練場 2015 受邀台北藝術節《STOP!巴士》 亞洲表演藝術節(東京)演出 2016 台北、亞洲表演藝術節演出《焦土》巡演 2018 Entered the Longshan Cultural and Creative Base, the fifth Xiao Theater's own rehearsal 2019 前往愛丁堡藝穗節演出《魚》 耿一偉、鍾伯淵聯合策展辦理-艋舺國際舞蹈節 2020 遷入萬座曉劇場,開始古蹟修復再利用申請與施工的歷程 2022 二度前往愛丁堡藝穗節演出 萬座曉劇場開門,經營曉劇場自己的劇場 More About Us Shinehouse Theatre Want To Dance Festival The Shinehouse Theatre Arts Village Wan Theatre
- 關於我們 | Shinehouse Artsvillage 曉劇場藝術村
Latest latest news Home 首頁 Artists About Us Introduction to Art Village Xiao Theater has been stationed in Wanhua for a long time to create, and through in-depth field research, the inner energy of the works is full. Since the Mengka International Dance Festival was held in 2019, dozens of creators have been attracted to perform their unique dance works all over the Wanhua region, bringing abundant artistic and cultural energy to the local area. The team hopes to provide a more open and free space through the establishment of an art village, so that artists can have more diverse dialogues with residents and create infinite possibilities. Xiao Theater Art Village was officially established in 2020, attracting artists from different fields at home and abroad by providing accommodation and creative space. During the residency in the village, the artist will be arranged to have the opportunity to contact with the local residents and other art and literature workers. Artistic Director The artistic director is the founder of Xiao Theater, and currently serves as the director-in-residence of Xiao Theater, Zhong Boyuan. Graduated from the Department of Drama, Taipei University of the Arts, majoring in directing. Xiao Theater was established in 2006, and has created nearly 30 original works so far. The themes of creation revolve around literary theater and social issues. And published "dirty heaven", "underground woman" and other script collections. Since 2019, he has served as the curator of the Mengka International Dance Festival, introducing many experimental dance works to local performances, bringing rich artistic and cultural energy to the local community. At the same time, he was elected as the director of Taiwan Arts and Culture Space Connection in 2021, connecting the domestic arts and culture space management team through the organization. team introduction Established in 2006, Xiao Theater has been selected as the award-winning team of the Ministry of Culture and the Outstanding Performing Arts Team of the Taipei City Cultural Bureau for many times. The themes of the works revolve around local issues and literary theater, and have extensive experience in international tours. The works have been performed abroad many times, including Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Japan, the United Kingdom, etc. In 2020, we will officially take over the warehouse of B warehouse in Taipei Tangshu Cultural Park. Based on the past experience in local cultivation and international exchanges, Xiao Theater operates the "Xiao Theater Art Village" with an art residency plan to connect with international organizations and teams. It is hoped that the Art Village can become an art incubation base in Wanhua area that is in line with international standards. More About Us Shinehouse Theatre Want To Dance Festival The Shinehouse Theatre Arts Village Contact Us Address: No. 132-9, Dali Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City 10801 Tel: +886-2-2308-3398 E-mail: shinehousetheatre02@gmail.com
- The Whisper of the Wave 潮來之音|Shinehouse 曉劇場
"The Sound of the Tide" The Whisper of the Wave 2020|Humei Theater, Huashan Huashan 1914 Cultural and Creative Industry Park The sorceress of the tide summons the dead, Through her mouth to murmur the voice of the dead, Cursing each other 's prematurely dead partners, cat lover, A man who is friends with potted plants... the tide comes and goes, Floating they try to anchor their lives, Wandering between bliss and hell In 2018, Director Bo Yuan borrowed the National Art Association's "Overseas Art Tour Program" to go to Mount Osore, one of the three major spiritual sites in Japan, where it resembles the volcanic terrain of Beitou's geothermal valley, where stone towers are stacked to hang the dead, and the spinning keeps turning. The windmill swirls with the wind to think; the local Itako in Hachinohe City, Japan, must be a blind woman. She conveys the message of life and death through her mouth. When life dies, the living can pass on their thoughts. The sound of the coming tide is the sound of the approaching tides, It is a whispered whisper wandering between life and death, and it is also a cleansing tide. Script writing/director︱ Zhong Boyuan's script translation︱ Body Design/Performance by Aoi Tsumura︱ my wife Emiko (Emiko Agatsuma) Performances︱Zeng Pei, Liao Zhiqiang, Zheng Yongyuan Li Tingyi, Chen Jiayi, Tu Jiayuan Producer︱Yeling Ye Stage Supervisor︱Chen Qiling Music Design︱Chen Mingyi Lighting Design︱Dai Cairu Costume Design︱Li Yichen Audio Technology︱Wu Anglin Graphic Design︱Liu Yulu Graphic Photography
- 嚴婕瑄 | Shinehouse Artsvillage 曉劇場藝術村
Back Latest latest news Artists About Us 嚴婕瑄 嘉義人,生於1994,自由藝術工作者,跳舞也編舞,嘗試讓表演產生對話,擴張肢體語言的力量,試圖量衡舞蹈與生活的關係,藉由創作的思辨理解生命的樣貌,研究範疇包涵台灣本土文化,性別議題,近年創作關注父權社會議題及女性自覺。 More About Us Shinehouse Theatre Want To Dance Festival The Shinehouse Theatre Arts Village Contact Us Address: No. 132-9, Dali Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City 10801 Tel: +886-2-2308-3398 E-mail: shinehousetheatre02@gmail.com
- James Batchelor and Collaborators | Shinehouse 曉劇場
計畫內容 "此獨舞研究著從人體到宇宙測量未知事物的指標。 它提出了對透過宇宙學感知人體的細微研究,從人體內部和周圍的繪製宇宙。 在Hyperspace中,肉身彎曲、伸展和重新配置,同時顯得巨大且微觀。 詹姆斯·巴徹勒(重新)描繪了身體的內部和外部觀,透過好奇的自我發現過程,邀請人們對男性氣質和脆弱性進行批判性審視。 Hyperspace是繼Deepspace(2016 年)和Redshift(2017 年)系列作品中的第三部,該系列源於詹姆斯在2016年參與由Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies領導的亞南極赫德島和麥克唐納群島科學考察隊計畫。此作品獲選為2019年Aerowaves歐洲舞蹈平台的作品。 Back More About Us Shinehouse Theatre Want To Dance Festival The Shinehouse Theatre Arts Village Contact Us Address: No. 132-9, Dali Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City 10801 Tel: +886-2-2308-3398 E-mail: shinehousetheatre02@gmail.com Latest latest news Artists About Us Hess James Batchelor and Collaborators "James Batchelor是一位來自恩古納瓦爾 (Ngunnawal) 地區(坎培拉)的編舞家,在歐洲和澳洲之間工作。 在James的作品中,循環的重複、崩塌和延展,以及微妙的節奏操縱,給人一種時間以不同速度移動的印象。觀眾被邀請一起放慢腳步,進入使用敏感的感官來探索的狀態。 整體演出體驗像是集體冥想,在一個無形的架構被揭示出來後,為觀眾提供了一個建立新聯繫、放入自己觀點的框架。他的作品包括Deepspace、Hyperspace和Shortcuts to Familiar Places,曾在Tanz im August(柏林)、Impulstanz(維也納)和Center Pompidou(巴黎)等地巡迴演出。他也致力於與各個年齡層和能力的人進行專門的教學實踐。"
- 歷年藝術家 | Shinehouse Artsvillage 曉劇場藝術村
Artists over the years Emiko Agatsuma Presentations and workshops 2021 _cc781905-5cde-3194-cf5d8_bb3b-136 James Batchelor 澳洲 Australia Parini Secondo Sissj Bassani Martina Piazzi 義大利 Italy Anne-Mareike Hess 盧森堡 Luxembourg 2023 呂尚霖 臺灣 TAIWAN Sofia Albanese 德國 GERMANY Sabine Zahn 德國 GERMANY 王怡湘 臺灣 TAIWAN 吳建緯 臺灣 TAIWAN 2020 _cc781905-5cde-3194-cf5d_bb3b-136 2021 Ian Gualdani 義大利 Italy 嚴婕瑄 臺灣 TAIWAN 林憶圻 臺灣 TAIWAN 黃子溢 臺灣 TAIWAN 許程崴 臺灣 TAIWAN 黃至嘉 臺灣 TAIWAN 2020 我妻惠美子 日本 JAPAN Latest latest news Home 首頁 Artists About Us More About Us Shinehouse Theatre Want To Dance Festival The Shinehouse Theatre Arts Village Contact Us Address: No. 132-9, Dali Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City 10801 Tel: +886-2-2308-3398 E-mail: shinehousetheatre02@gmail.com
- Fish 魚|Shinehouse Theatre 曉劇場
2019 Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2nd-25th August Summerhall Event's Page "Fish" is adapted from the short story "Fish" in Huang Chunming's novel "Sayo Nara, Goodbye", reflecting the courage of little people to face setbacks and difficulties in their lives. A squashed fish shows how Ah Cang from a poor family got and lost the fish, depicting the hardships and plainness of life in the countryside. From the performance in the literary theater, we can peek into the local stories belonging to Taiwan. Sign language meets puppetry in this engaging, BSL-signed production based on a novel by Taiwanese author Huang Chunming. The conflict between a grandfather and grandson unfolds in a touching, richly sensory experience aimed at, but not limited to, hearing-impaired audiences. " Even if I can't hear it, it still makes me immersed in the atmosphere of the story, and I can't get back to my senses for a long time. " -Hearing - impaired illustrator Xu Fangwei "Though I couldn't hear , I was still deeply embroiled in the atmosphere and couldn't return for a long time." - XU, Fang-wei (Hearing Impaired Illustrator)
- 張婉庭 | Shinehouse 曉劇場
Team Members 成員介紹 CHANG, Wan-Ting As a member of Shinehouse Theatre in 2022, Chang is currently an undergraduate student in Tamkang University, majoring in Spanish. She has performed in the opening performance of Wan Theatre, as well as the workshop performance in Emiko Agatsuma’s “Tsukumo-Gami”. She was also the sound execution for “Electronic City”and“In Between.”and perform in Edinburgh Festival Fringe’s Taiwan Season: “The Whisper of the Waves”(2022) . She is actively engaging movies, televisions and theatres, constructing the flow of life through ordinary steps. Back